Friday, August 07, 2009

Summer Vacation Report
So Todd and I returned from a week in London and Dublin last Wednesday. It was a pretty terrific week, mainly because both cities were pretty interesting and/or spectacular. Both cities were also extremely, extremely pricey. We didn't really shop, so most of our money spent was on food in restaurants. During the entire week, we ate at what I think are two really good, delicious restaurants frequented by actual locals, but the rest of the time we were relegated to touristy places due to our locations.

Mainly what struck me was how much history and age everything had. Hundreds and hundreds of years. You forget what it's like, living in the States.

I'll try to recapture the vacation to the best of my abilities here, mainly for my own recollection since I seriously doubt anyone is reading this blog anymore.

We left Chicago in the afternoon of a Wednesday and arrived in London on the afternoon of a Thursday. Pretty much one day was erased in travel. I do have to say that Northwest/Delta was a pleasant ride mainly due to personalized video screens with lots and lots of variety or recent movies to watch for free at your own discretion ("The Wrestler," "Sunshine Cleaning," "I Love You Man" among others.
Once we arrived, we took the London tube to the hotel, which was a tiny (cozy) place with excellent location. We were pretty zombie-like at that point, but managed only a nap before surging forth on the city, and wandered around Picadilly Circus and the chichi Mayfair neighborhood. Stopped for dinner and ate our first and last fish and chips of the trip.

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