Monday, March 29, 2004

Last night my temporary filling fell out as I finished eating dinner. I had been suspicious of its longevity for a few days, since it kind of felt like someone stuck some Play-doh over my tooth hole, rather than molding something that would stick. Having nothing covering the bare gum was pretty horrendous--I could eat nothing and could drink very little. This put me out of sorts, and my cranky mode went into overload this morning after fitful sleep, causing me to complain and email several unhappy emoticons. I went in at 10:30 this morning, and they patched me up quickly and painlessly. The dental technician who I like the best (so sad that I have favorites now) did a thorough job and spent a few minutes drying the stuff she put in there, even. I can drink and eat again, Hallelujah!

My grumpiness and self-pity cracks me up in light of my horoscope this morning:

Capricorn: Try to be happy for someone else. You're not likely to be the center of attention, and that's OK; avoid feeling sorry for yourself.

I don't think that the horoscope person thinks very highly of Capricorns.

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