Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I started Tom Perrotta's Little Children yesterday on the way home, and I haven't been able to put it down since. I find his writing accessible, funny, and his characters are likable. I had read Joe College by him before, but have yet to pick up Election, but I think that I will now.

Another thing, they ordered some candy for us to have on our floor (since on the main floor, they have a regular candy basket). I can usually stay away from the boring hard candy, but there is also a little tub of tootsie rolls, my undoing. I can't get enough of sweet chewy candy. Caramels? Forget it, I'm helpless in their wake. And there is something particularly appealing about the artificial, almost cheap, quality of the Tootsie Roll. Now that I regularly check the carbohydrates per serving (I'm not proud of this), I eyeballed the info on the tootsie roll container. 33 carbohydrates for only SIX tootsie rolls. That's just wrong, dude. I could eat six tootsie rolls in one mouthful. If I had my way, I wouldn't be sated until I had about thirty...at least.

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