Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Scenes from the Mall
Last night I went to Screen on the Green with Bronwyn. It's one of those deals where they screen movies on the Mall and people come and camp out on blankets with drinks and dinners. We got there around 8 for a movie that started at 8:45, and the place was already packed. People come prepared! The people beside us spread out a blanket the size of Rhode Island and set up a cheese tray, a pitcher with some strong alchoholic product, and a various sitting implements. Bronwyn took care of us, by bringing a big blanket AND pineapple coconut sorbet made with Splenda. That was fricking awesome.

We watched "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," which I had never seen before, but enjoyed immensely. It was a beautiful cool night, and the Capitol dome was lit up right behind the screen, and it was goddamn something else. I'm glad that I finally did it before leaving DC.

Also, there was some weird Rocky-Horror type behavior that occurred. During the opening credits, when the HBO song played, a lot of people got up and danced wildly, flailing their arms. I would say about a fifth of the crowd did this--regulars, I'm sure. Anyone aware of what the meaning behind this dance is? The woman sitting beside us (behind the cheese tray people) was all cranky and yelled "Sit Down!," which cracked me up.

Anyway, if you're in DC, Go! Just bring some bug spray and a jacket since it got a bit nippy out.

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