Wednesday, January 28, 2004

I finally figured out how to change the links on this website, so check out the new link that I added to my dad's website containing his photos. Dad wants me to inform everyone that it's stored on a server simply because his ISP forgot to take it down. It doesn't contain recent work, and if anyone feels inclined to contact him, do so through moi. I got a collection of his photos of Ladakh for Christmas, so I particularly recommend checking out those.

My dad also told me that he would be checking this blog regularly and will be offering "grammatical help as necessary." Thanks, dad!

I went to the dentist today for the first time in several years, and I was sincerely frightened because I thought that the dentist would tell me off because of my mossy teef. The hygenist had hold of me most of the time, and took 18 (yes, you read that correctly...18!) x-rays of my teeth by using these horrible plastic contraptions to hold my jaws open. To put it mildly, it sucked a lot. Then the hygenist proceeded with what was a particularly thorough and brutal cleaning where she scraped every enamal surface of my mouth and picked under the gum edges (which gives me the willies to even think about). By the time this was over, I rinsed out, and I spit out a fair amount of blood. NICE.

The dentist informed me that I had a pretty bad cavity and one of my fillings is slowly falling out. I have an appointment to get that bad cavity filled tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. (again, you read that correctly). This is what I get for avoiding the dentist for so long.

Apparently, I also clench my mouth in my sleep, so may need to be fitted for a mouth guard as well before I grind my teeth down to marbles.

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