Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Creating dependency like crazy
This article is about how Starbucks coffee has twice as much caffeine as a cup of Folgers, to the surprise of noone. I have been trying to drink half-caf drinks lately, but one afternoon recently I very stupidly purchased a regular iced coffee from Starbucks as a little pick-me-up. I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest. Never would I have thought that I would reach the day when caffeine would be too stimulating. As an interesting aside, the author of this article attended my work's conference this past November, as he will be writing an article about one of our state projects.

For more coffee news, our old college workplace, Baskin-Robbins apparently has a speciality flavor called Dunkin Donuts Coffee ice cream (I know that Des would love this the most). YUM. I remember when we wanted to stay up all night studying, we would prepare and extra strong BR cappuccino blast. I still love those things.

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