Friday, July 16, 2004

The charms of Fifteen Year Olds
Happy Birthday to Erik today, who turns 15. I had a lovely conversation this morning when I called to wish him happy birthday.
Erik (sullenly): Hello.
K: Happy Birthday!
Erik: Oh no.
K: What are you doing to celebrate?
Erik: I forget.
K: Are you going out to dinner with mom and dad?
Erik: I forget.
K: What have you been doing since you got back home?
Erik: Sleeping. Because I can.
K: Well, it's been a pleasure.
Erik: Bye. (click).
Yeah, I was going to give him some cash, but now I'm rethinking it. Jeez. Honestly, when I have teenagers I'm going to have to send them away to the countryside for re-education because they'll drive me so crazy.

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