Friday, July 30, 2004

Great Author and Provocateur
I saw a link in the The Morning News this morning about this new book by Nicholson Baker about two men who talk at length about assasinating GW. This book, Checkpoint, is apparently something else. The CS Monitor describes it as making Michael Moore's F9/11 look tame in comparison.

I was actually planning on doing an entry on Nicholson Baker beforehand, because I had read a book of his over vacation with which I fell head over heels in love. His book, The Everlasting Story of Nory, about a nine year old girl who moves with her family from California to England is one of the most winning books I've come across in a long time. Nory is a curious, imaginative, well-intentioned heroine that is far from precious and I loved that a middle-aged dude had written the book (I promise, it's not pervy either). Anyway, I checked out Vox from the library (the article cited that Clinton got into trouble because Monica had given him a copy--apparently, it's "erotic"), but I'll be sure to look at Checkpoint as well.

In the meantime, run, don't walk, to get a copy of his Nory book.

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