Friday, February 20, 2004

Au Bon Pain - One of Dante's Layers of Hell?
To the cranky Au Bon Pain manager who snapped at me for volunteering too late that my co-worker who was behind me was also ordering at least one latte - There really is no need to be rude, I was only trying to help after I realized that noone else was going to come and help you work the coffee counter, and I saw that after ten minutes you were halfway through your task, and I thought that it might make it easier for you. Granted, I probably should have minded my own business, but after working customer service at a busy ice cream place for over three years in college, I know how it sometimes helps to double up orders, even if you're halfway through a task. Your dirty look and rude response was not necessary. I'm sure under normal, non-coffee special, not-having-to-work-behind-the-coffee-counter-that's-usually-empty circumstances you have your moments of kindness, but right then, sir, you were an asshole.

To the cranky Au Bon Pain clerk who I told I had two lattes TWICE (the second time after you mumbled something to me) who then charged me for a coffee and a latte and then got all huffy because you had to void the order and then put it in right in order to give me the deal - normally you are perfectly nice. I don't know what happened to you today, but you definitely weren't perfectly nice.

To the man behind me in line who sighed loudly and shifted restlessly when we had to wait 30 seconds for someone to fetch the VOID card in order to fix the order - I hope waiting that extra 30 seconds to purchase your shortbread cookie wasn't too big a bother for you. To quote Dido, I just want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life.

To the Au Bon Pain corporation - perhaps you should rethink this two-for-one special coffee deal you have through the month of February? While I'm enjoying this $1.50 latte greatly, your employees' tempers seem to be suffering the worse for it.

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