Monday, February 09, 2004

I finished Alan Moore's From Hell last night. I had a hard time sticking to it because it was such an intense downer, and also so detailed that it put too much pressure on my feeble, little mind. I actually spent most of the behemoth tome only having a vague idea as to what was going on, since all of the drawings were in black and white and frankly, everyone looked like everyone else. I only discovered the Appendixes at the end of it all, which is too bad. Moore went page by page, explaining everything. It's incredible how much he researched for this book! I actually ended up skipping a lot of his explanations because he started going into the ins and outs of Masonry and all of that hoo-ha, and it bores me. Whenever I glanced at the picture of Alan Moore that they used for the back of the book, it cracked me up. He looks like a sleepy Charles Manson.

I'm kind of puzzled as to how the movie, "From Hell" came to be. The basic storyline is the same, but I would say 40% of the story is different. Also, I can't imagine someone reading the graphic novel and thinking: "This would make an *awesome* movie. Get someone on the phone."

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